January 14, 2004

on safari

wear your watch on your other wrist. part your hair on the other side. take a different route to work. talk to someone in line at the grocery store.

these are all things that professional "make other people more creative" people tell you to do. suposedly, they dislodge you from your current routine and get you thinking differently. it's that old concept where you wear your shoes on the wrong feet for a day and spend that day thinking about people who don't have shoes. before you know it, you're volunteering your weekends to worthy causes and you end up quitting your job and moving to a tiny grass hut in africa. ta-da! you're out of your rut and answering your true calling ... all because you changed perspective. aren't you glad that trainer told you those things?

so, i've tried most of these "make me creative" suggestions, and as you can see, i haven't relocated yet. that's mainly because i have negative interest in going to africa ... unless we're talking about an all expense paid safari that i won on fear factor.

two years ago, i wore my watch on my right wrist to see what the hype was all about. it irritated me for four hours and i finally took it off. as a result, i haven't worn a watch since. how's that for a new perspective? now, i'm the annoying person who's always asking you what time it is.

i only part my hair on the left side when i'm having a really good hair day. otherwise, it looks dumb. i suppose i can't say that i've ruled that one out completely because i have tried on several occasions to eliminate hair parting all together ... talk about looking dumb.

the last time i took a different route to work, i picked up a stalker at the gas station and didn't get rid of him until after christmas; hence, the idea of talking to random grocery store people doesn't exactly make my eyes light up.

last nite, i had an idea of my own and ended up spending the evening moving everything from my left closet to my right closet and from the right to the left. now, the clothes lineup is a mirror image of what it used to be and i get all confused about where my shoes actually are. but that's acceptable, right? confused is a perspective, too.

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