November 22, 2004

enough is enough is enough

i don't know where i heard it. it was either the voice in my head that i've been trying to shut out, or my LaunchCast player. regardless, the voice, which was deeper than usual and that leads me to believe it was not "the" voice, said, "november 23rd is Buy Nothing Day."

you know what? it was LaunchCast. "Buy Nothing Day" is also the name of a song.

god, that takes a weight off.

so, what a great idea, huh? Buy Nothing Day. because that's pretty much what it takes to keep me from spending money. actually, here's a list of things that can contribute to keeping me from spending money:
  • self restraint. obviously, this is unreliable.
  • a conscious decision, which is marginally more reliable because it leads to...
  • guilt. this will keep me from doing absolutely anything. always a powerful tool against me if you know how to wield it properly. many people do not.
  • decrees by chumbawumba. this is a new category. initial results are pending.
by the time i wake up tomorrow morning, i will have made up rules about the day (see the bit about self restraint) in order to compensate for "what-ifs."

what if that's the day my car payment is due? well, it's not so i don't have to worry about it. mortgage either. and i can schedule my online payments for the 22nd or 24th.

what if i want a snickers bar from the vending machine? remember when i was in brownies for like 4 days? i made a pin cushion that said "be prepared." so i guess i can get a snickers ahead of time and lock it in the cabinet. i guess that also means i have to either not eat lunch, get someone who isn't celebrating Buy Nothing Day to pay, or bring it with me. *gasp!*

what if kohl's is having a one day only sale? i guess i'm just going to have to suck that one up.

what if denise wants to go to happy hour? tomorrow’s a tuesday, so i don't exactly see that happening. but if it does, i guess we just make sure the folks who pay on wednesday are there early.

now i’m all psyched up about it. it’s good to have goals, right? that’s what they tell me at work. i don’t actually have any … that are documented … or have anything to do with my job … which is why i wake up with pink slip expectation every morning; therefore, Buy Nothing Day may actually start a healthy pattern: save money for the day the expectation is met.

yay me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is too funny! So - you can't be having these "Buy Nothing Day" with the holiday's coming up! And for the days that we don't have the "Wednesday payers" around - we're going to Friday's! : )
