August 28, 2004

head trauma

today was my 4th trip down the aisle. or was it the 5th? i don't remember anymore. sure sounds like i have a lot of baggage, tho, doesn't it?

turns out i do ... but not that kind of baggage. other random baggage. i even have a set of luggage ... but not a full set. most of a set ... the important pieces.

anyway! alicia got married today and i have the mosquito bites and lump on the head to prove it. wouldn't it be fun if i could tell you that i got hit in the head with a champagne bottle, or took a header on the dance floor, or even ran into the top of the door getting out of the limo? sadly, however, i've learned that when you get poked in the head with a bobby pin and then add 80 more bobby pins and then let everything sit there for 15 hours, that one little spot gets sore. and swollen. and you can't brush your hair the way you want to for at least 5 days.

but the itching and the scalp pain as well as the discomfort that comes from wearing a dress that the seamstress took in a little too much on the top, thank you very much, was all worth it for the opportunities to be there for the stupid questions; to be there before, during, and after the rain; to be there for, as silly as it may have seemed at the time, the exchange of peace after they said "i do" ...

... to be there to share such pure happiness with your best friend and 250 of the closest strangers you'd ever met.

by the end of the night, you couldn't tell which family was which or who wasn't related at all.

i don't know anything about it ... but that's gotta be how it's supposed to work.

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