December 2, 2005

ah, the stories you could tell

“If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want—good or bad—BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.

When you’re finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON’T ACTUALLY remember about you.”


Christopher said...

Remember at the end of that summer when we we drove cross-country, from Kingston all the way to Freeport? We were crammed into that old '87 Daimler Chevellier I had bought from my uncle for four straight days. The best part was probably cramming the body of that hobo into the kangaroo costume and then leaving it in the back seat of Dean's car.

Anonymous said...

I remember when I was little, I told my sister to assume a rolling position at the top of the stairs and I rolled her down the stairs.

---Your Brother

jody said...

but, dude ... that one was real. :)

Anonymous said...

Anything I try to think of is not nearly as absurd as things that actually did happen.

Bottom line: for once in my life I cannot think of anything clever to say.


Anonymous said...

How about the time that you were in that beauty pageant and I helped you with your talent. Juggling the knives wasn't too bad until you cut off your ear and they reattached it upside-down. That really sucked, didn't it?


Anonymous said...

Remember one time, at band camp, when all the boys were in one cabin and we........

Anonymous said...

I remember one time getting lost in a maze of corn in Newport, RI for about 3 hrs with a guy named Suk.
And...I remember us jumping on hotel beds during a blizzard in January on Super Bowl Sunday...we jumped so much that one unlucky participant fell off and cracked his head off the dresser. It's all fun and games till someone falls off the bed...

Virginia Tenor said...

I remember the time we were swimming with all our friends in the pool down by the community center. Jim said we should try to catch the nerf football when jumping off of the diving board. When I threw it to you, it was wet, slipped through your hands, hit you in the mouth, and just about broke your jaw. I sure am glad Fred pulled you out of the deep end before you passed out.