September 8, 2004


by 8.30 a.m., today was a big day. media relations was shooting random video to use in random video clips either at a town hall or a road show or something like that. they weren't looking for audio, and i was having a good hair day, so i went.

the location? panera. not the newest one. the one next to the first chipotle. yeah, that one.
at 8, it wasn't crowded. neil said he would be there, but i didn't see him. he might have been hiding behind a screen somewhere. my hot chocolate and i took a seat at a small table in the back and i fired up my laptop. i didn't even think to put my wireless card in. it wasn't like i was actually going to do any work.

as i sat there and was ultimately videotaped ("pretend i'm not even here" said the guy with the giant camera who sat down next to me. i was suddenly nervous, so he got a good two minutes of me mostly hitting backspace.) i had an epiphany. it was very cool because i so rarely have epiphanies. the last really good one i had was when i was looking down the barrel of a deadline with not even a hint of a story idea. that evening, i'd just smeared cold cream all over my face when it hit me. i looked myself in the eye and said, "reg is a woman!"

then i proceeded to write an awesome script that no one else understood and were assigned to read again because dr. schiff loved it.

this morning's epiphany was a little different, tho: i realized what i want to be when i grow up.
i want to be one of those people who sit in a coffeehouse all day writing and watching people ... and i don't even like coffee! before i knew it, my panera hour was up, and i'd just hit a good stride. we'll revisit this career path again in december ... after the results of this year's NaNoWriMo have been tallied.

at that point, i may be taking applications for a benefactor. don't worry, i won't ask for your identity ... just your money.

it's gonna be great ... you'll see ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so, are you going to be in a commercial and do you have your story ready for november ??
